Seedbeds Local

Local Community Capacity Building

Seedbeds Local

Local Community Capacity Building

Helping your community to raise up leaders together.

We know the joy and also the pain of trying to live in difficult urban settings. It can be lonely work and training rough-diamonds to become trusty leaders can seem like a huge challenge. We want to stand with you, help build capacity in your local community, raise up and equip leaders and work towards more fulfilled living together. 

Our approach in each of our seedbeds has been to work with Groups or Pods of emerging leaders. You can spend huge amounts of time and energy working with an individual, only to see them move on somewhere else. By working with a team of developing leaders, you are maximising the likelihood of at least some of them staying to make lasting changes in your area.  The team members also provide peer support and accountability for each other and are linked with other local seedbeds within the Change Maker programme in regional and national support networks. This approach creates a greater impact than an individual focus could achieve and has meant a long-lasting return on the investment by each community, even when some members have moved on.

Initiatives that have sprung up within these pods include community enterprises, community organising campaigns and community building initiatives. (See some of their stories on video here)

To maximise the impact of all our leadership programmes, especially Change Makers, we want to identify, develop and support other local seedbeds – maybe including your area?

If you’re a pioneer, with a long-term commitment to your community, and share our passion for inspiring and equipping emerging leaders to leave a lasting legacy, we’d love to explore with you how we could help see God’s vision fulfilled in your area. Find out more about our Newbigin Pioneering Hub where we looking to discover, nurture, empower and release a new Community of Pioneers.


Building the capacity for your local community to raise up your own leaders and responses for more fulfilled living together. 

We want each community that connects with us to:

  • See an improvement in living conditions – experiencing more of joy, justice and goodness in their context.
  • Feel connected with other, like minded communities
  • Access the people, power and finances necessary to release their destiny.

How did this come about?

Change Makers has been our most successful initiative in pursing our vision of ‘growing leaders and communities into fullness of life.’ We’ve had some remarkable results especially focussed on four locations or ‘seedbeds’ –

  • Winson Green, Birmingham (overseen by Dr Ash Barker)
  • Bromsford Estate, Birmingham (overseen by Tim Evans) 
  • Bonny Downs and West Silvertown, East London (overseen by David Mann)
  • Glasgow (overseen by Moira Baxter)

The three key characteristics that these areas have a focus on are:

  • COMMUNITY (not just church) 
  • COMMITMENT (transformative change requires long-term investment) 
  • CATALYSM (inspiring, equipping and building capacity in others)

For more information please contact Dave Mann at