Newbigin Annual Public Lecture 2024

by | May 7, 2024 | 0 comments

Revd Dr Deirdre Brower Latz will give this year’s Newbigin address to stimulate Christians into more thoughtful engagement in the places they live and serve.

Every summer we offer a public lecture with a high profile Christian leader who embodies a contemporary spirit of Lesslie Newbigin. In previous years this has included: Dr Steve Bevans (2018), Dr Krish Kandiah (2019), John Newbigin and Dr Ash Barker (2021), Dr Cathy Ross (2022) and Shane Claiborne (2023).

This year’s Newbigin Annual Public Lecture will take place at 7pm on Wednesday 5 June 2024 at Lodge Road Community Church, Birmingham B18 5BU.

We welcome Revd Dr Deirdre Brower Latz, Principal and Senior Lecturer in Pastoral and Social Theology at Nazarene Theological College.

With responses from Dr Sally Mann, Rev Simon Jay and other contributors from Red Letter Christians’ Jesus & Justice: Stories of Radical Christian Living book. This is a chance to meet some local authors, hear stimulating discussion and get inspired!

Revd Dr Deirdre Brower Latz was born in Canada, the daughter of passionate Christian parents who joined a love for God with a love of learning. She moved between the UK and Canada several times before finally settling in Manchester. Ordained in the 90s, she led churches in urban Bristol and Manchester and became increasingly interested in issues of justice, transformation, urban realities and practices – all joined with a love of learning and theology. Her PhD is from the University of Manchester in the area of Practical Theology. In 2012 she became the Principal of NTC, a theological college validated by the University of Manchester, both the youngest person and only female to take that role on. Most recently she was a researcher for Church Action on Poverty, around ‘Church on the Margins’ – exploring how people with lived experience of marginality engage, connect and experience ‘church’.

She enjoys youth work, dry stone walling, the outdoors, is married to a High school teacher and has a large chocolate labrador who makes her get outside every day!

Light finger food and refreshments will be provided. The event is FREE, but donations towards Seedbeds will be greatly appreciated.

Join us and connect with others living for Jesus and justice in your area!


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