How to Nominate

    Please contact your candidate for Change Makers and let them know you are nominating them because you see their potential for change. We are happy to talk with you or them about this

    Nominee Details

    There are four Change Maker emerging leader programmes. Please nominate your candidate for one of these:

    Context Details

    Urban Change Makers UK Criteria
    Out of 5, I have seen that this nominee:
    Urban (ie from urban priority area and be willing to join the programme in a local ‘pod’ with others from that neighbourhood) :
    Emerging (ie, those with high potential to make a difference) :
    Diverse (ie, not from mainstream, establishment backgrounds, paying attention to class, race and gender access and equity challenges) :
    Raw Talents (ie, have catalytic potential that traditional education systems will probably not bring out their best) :

    Nominator's Details

    If this nominee is successful I am willing to provide a scholarship.
    The Minimum Contribution is £250, but if your nomination was successful we would ask you to consider giving a Half Scholarship of £500 or a Full Scholarship £1,000 to ensure as many urban leaders as possible can access Change Makers.