
Growing New Opportunities to Flourish


Growing New Opportunities to Flourish


Fill in the application form to apply for 2024-25 programme.

Application Closing Date : Friday 6 September 2024.

Course fees paid by : Saturday 14 September 2024.

Do you See…

• New possibilities?
• A way where there is no way?
• Ideas for mission in your community that just might work?
• A new community of disciples where there is none?
• How your local community can flourish in God’s love and shalom, but know this can’t happen alone?

If you can see even a glimpse of any of these, then come and be part of the Newbigin Pioneering Hub, see if your hopes can be realised together with us, achieve a Certificate in Pioneering Mission and have the option to apply for URC Assembly Accreditation for Lay Pioneers.  

Introducing the ‘Newbigin Pioneering Hub’

We are a collaboration between United Reformed Church, Congregational Federation, Church Mission Society and Seedbeds and named in honour of the inspirational URC Minister and mission theologian, Lesslie Newbigin. This venture is open to all and part of celebrating the past 50 years of the United Reformed Church and Congregational Federation by investing our future in local communities.

 Our mission is:

‘To discover, nurture, empower and release a new Community of Pioneers, able to see God’s love and shalom flourish in their local communities.’

Rev Dr Ash Barker, who leads the Newbigin Pioneering Hub from Winson Green, inner city Birmingham, says,

“We long for every local community to flourish in God’s love and shalom, but know so many neighbourhoods are missing out right now. I believe this new venture can unearth a new generation of Pioneers, ready to be planted personally in local places and able to grow people into new communities of hope, faith and compassion wherever Jesus has called them to serve. We have hard-won insights from experienced Pioneers that can help form, guide and inspire a new generation of Pioneers from here.”

Could God be calling you to step out in faith with us to see your God-given dreams in your local community flourish in faith, hope and love?

Join us for:

  • The CMS awarded Certificate in Pioneer Mission
  • Forming a new “Community of Pioneers”
  • Option to apply for URC Assembly Accreditation for Lay Pioneers
  • The Newbigin Annual Public Lecture
  • Taster Events in Winson Green 

The CMS awarded Certificate in Pioneer Mission

This is our foundational course designed and led by experienced pioneering practitioners, for practitioners. Church Mission Society offers this course around the UK and now it’s available to all, rooted in the United Reformed Church in partnership with the Congregational Federation and planted in a live pioneering context in inner city Birmingham.

The course starts in September and includes 6 units run over 3 weekend residentials, seminars  at Lodge Road Community Church, Birmingham on 3 full Saturdays in-person and 3 Wednesday evenings online, as well as online learning circles and personal coaching. There is also a final pitch of your pioneering project to a resource panel and graduation. Certificates are awarded following submission of 6 assignments, and payment of fees, giving the option to apply for URC Assembly Accreditation for Lay Pioneers.


Here’s what some of the pioneers from the first cohort in 2022-23 said about the programme:

“My journey with the Newbigin Pioneer Hub, enabled me to find my “True North,” my true self, as I tentatively explored the idea that I might in fact be called to Lay Pioneer Ministry. The teaching and thought-provoking conversations with like-
minded people at the Hub was a truly freeing and enriching experience, which has left me hungry for more. I will never be the person I was before I started this journey, and for that I am better.” 
Wendy Hall 

Wendy Hall has also now become Newbigin Pioneering Hub’s first URC Assembly Accredited Lay Pioneer – read more here. 

“I have been re-ignited and inspired to get up and get going again.” Ruth Green 

“I have been inspired and awakened.” Lorraine Pailing

“This course has been the most freeing experience of my life, enabling me to truly understand who God has called me to be.” Donna Hope-Barry

“A life affirming opportunity to journey and learn with other misfits.” Soobie Whitfield

“Empowered to just do it.” Trevor Pailing

“Learning to be together stronger.” Matt Birt

“Empowered, inspired and opened up to be and do more that I thought possible.” Julie Ann Read

“What an amazing journey of self growth.” Bev Lyne


2023-24 Programme

Orientation/Induction – Facilitator: Ash Barker 

Date: 10am Saturday 9 September 2023 at Lodge Road Community Church and on zoom. Details will be confirmed following application and interview.

These are our six units and when they’re offered:

Module 1 : Pioneering Mission – Facilitators: Jonny Baker and Ash Barker 

Residential: 6pm on Friday 15 – 1:30pm on Sunday 17 September 2023 at The Greenhouse at Barnes Close
Learning Circle: 6:30pm-9pm on Wednesday 11 October 2023 on zoom
Coaching: Week commencing 16 October 2023

Module 2 : Missional Spirituality – Facilitators: Natalie Burfitt and Ian Adams 

Seminars: 10am-4pm on Saturday 11 November and 6:30pm-9pm on Wednesday 15 November 2023 at Lodge Road Community Church and on zoom.
Learning Circle: 6:30pm-9pm on Wednesday 6 December 2023 on zoom
Coaching: Week commencing 11 December 2023

Module 3 : Church and Mission – Facilitator : Dave Mann

Seminars: 10am-4pm on Saturday 27 January and 6:30pm-9pm on Wednesday 31 January 2024 at Seedbeds Centre, London and on zoom.      Learning Circle: 6:30pm-9pm on Wednesday 7 February 2024 on zoom.
Coaching: Week commencing 19 February 2024

Module 4 : Mission and the Bible – Facilitators : John and Olive Drane

Residential: 6pm on Friday 8 March – 1:30pm on Sunday 10 March 2024, at The Greenhouse at Barnes Close                                                                Learning Circle: 6:30pm-9pm on Wednesday 10 April 2024 on zoom
Coaching: Week commencing 15 April 2024

Module 5 : Community Development – Facilitators : Tim Evans, Anji Barker and Noel Irwin

Seminars: 10am-4pm on Saturday 4 May and 6:30pm-9pm on Wednesday 8 May 2024 at Lodge Road Community Church and on zoom.            Learning Circle: 6:30pm-9pm on Wednesday 12 June 2024 on zoom
Coaching: Week commencing 17 June 2024

Module 6 : Missional Entrepreneurship – Facilitators : Ash Barker and Karen Ferguson

Residential: 6pm on Friday 5 July – 1:30pm on Sunday 7 July 2024 at the Greenhouse at Barnes Close
Learning Circle and Coaching: 6:30pm-9pm on Wednesday 10 July 2024
Pitch to Panel and Graduation: 10am-3pm on Saturday 20 July 2024

2024-25 Programme

These are our six units and when they’re offered:

  • Orientation/Induction: Facilitator – Ash Barker
  • 10am Saturday 14 September 2024 at Lodge Road Community Church and on zoom
  • Module 1, Pioneering Mission: Facilitators – Jonny Baker with Ash Barker
  • Friday 20 – Sunday 22 September 2024 residential, Newbigin House & Lodge Road Community Church.
  • Online Learning Circle: 6:30-9pm Wednesday 9 October 2024.
  • Coaching: w/c 14 October 2024 
  • Module 2, Mission Spirituality: Facilitators – Ash Barker with Scott and Faith Brennan
  • 10am-4pm Saturday 16 November 2024 in person at Lodge Road Community Church
  • 6:30-9pm Wednesday 20 November 2024 on zoom.
  • Online Learning Circle: 6:30-9pm Wednesday 4 December 2024.
  • Coaching: w/c 9 December 2024
  • Module 3, Church and Mission: Facilitators – Dave and Sally Mann
  • 10am-4pm Saturday 25 January 2025 in person at Seedbeds Centre, East Ham, London
  • 6:30-9pm Wednesday 29 January 2025 on zoom.
  • Online Learning Circle: 6:30-9pm Wednesday 12 February 2025.
  • Coaching: w/c 17 February 2025
  • Module 4, Community Development: Facilitators – Tim Evans, Mark Matthews, Noel Irwin and Anji Barker
  •  Friday 7 – Sunday 9 March 2025 residential, Newbigin House & Lodge Road Community Church
  • Online Learning Circle: 6:30-9pm Wednesday 9 April 2025.
  • Coaching: w/c 14 April 2025
  • Module 5, Mission and the Bible: Facilitators – John and Olive Drane
  • 10am-4pm Saturday 3 May 2025 in person at Lodge Road Community Church
  • 6:30-9pm Wednesday 7 May 2025 on zoom.
  • Online Learning Circle: 6:30-9pm Wednesday 28 May 2025.
  • Coaching: w/c 16 June 2025
  • Module 6, Missional Enterprise: Facilitators – Ash Barker and Mike Royal
  • Friday 4 – Sunday 6 July 2025 residential, Newbigin House & Lodge Road Community Church.       
  • Online Learning Circle & Coaching: 6:30-9pm Wednesday 9 July 2025
  • Pitch to Panel and Graduation:
  • 10am-3pm Saturday 19 July 2025 in person at Lodge Road Community Church

2025-26 Programme

  • Orientation/Induction: 10am Saturday 13 September 2025 at Lodge Road Community Church and on zoom
  • Module 1, Pioneering Mission: Friday 19 – Sunday 21 September 2025 residential, Newbigin House & Lodge Road Community Church. Online Learning Circle: 6:30-9pm Wednesday 8 October 2025. Coaching: w/c 13 October 2025 
  • Module 2, Mission Spirituality: 10am-4pm Saturday 15 November 2025 in person at Lodge Road Community Church & 6:30-9pm Wednesday 19 November 2025 on zoom. Online Learning Circle: 6:30-9pm Wednesday 3 December 2025. Coaching: w/c 8 December 2025
  • Module 3, Church and Mission: 10am-4pm Saturday 24 January 2026 in person at Seedbeds Centre, East Ham, London & 6:30-9pm Wednesday 28 January 2026 on zoom. Online Learning Circle: 6:30-9pm Wednesday 11 February 2026. Coaching: w/c 16 February 2026
  • Module 4, Community Development: Friday 6 – Sunday 8 March 2026 residential, Newbigin House & Lodge Road Community Church.  Online Learning Circle: 6:30-9pm Wednesday 8 April 2026. Coaching: w/c 13 April 2026
  • Module 5, Mission and the Bible: 10am-4pm Saturday 2 May 2026 in person at Lodge Road Community Church & 6:30-9pm Wednesday 6 May 2026 on zoom. Online Learning Circle: 6:30-9pm Wednesday 27 May 2026. Coaching: w/c 8 June 2026
  • Module 6, Missional Enterprise: Friday 3 – Sunday 5 July 2026 residential, Newbigin House & Lodge Road Community Church.        Online Learning Circle & Coaching: 6:30-9pm Wednesday 8 July 2026
  • Pitch to Panel and Graduation: 10am-3pm Saturday 18 July 2026 in person at Lodge Road Community Church

Forming a new “Community of Pioneering”

We aim to discover, nurture, empower and release a new generation of Pioneers. This will include helping Pioneers connect with new mission contexts, pathways, retreats and coaching. We believe we can go further and deeper in our calling as Pioneers if we connect together well. We will form this ‘Community of Pioneers’ out of those who currently identify as Pioneers as well as those coming through the ‘Certificate in Pioneer Mission.’

Online Taster Events

These are opportunities to connect, find out more and ask questions about the ‘Community of Pioneers’ and the ‘Certificate in Pioneer Mission’ programme that is run by the ‘Newbigin Pioneering Hub’.

The next online taster event, with the opportunity to ask questions on zoom with Rev Dr Ash Barker, will take place on: 

Thursday 27 June at 7-9pm 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 284 492 5967

“The Church in each place is to be the sign, instrument and foretaste of the reign of God present in Christ for that place; a sign, planted in the midst of the present realities of the place but pointing beyond them to the future which God has promised; an instrument available for God’s use in the doing of his will for that place; a foretaste – manifesting and enjoying already in the midst of the messianic tribulations a genuine foretaste of the peace and joy of God’s reign.”Lesslie Newbigin

The Newbigin Annual Public Lecture

To stimulate Christians into more thoughtful and deeper engagement in the places they live and serve, we offer a public lecture with a high profile Christian leader who embodies a contemporary spirit of Lesslie Newbigin. In previous years this has included: Dr Steve Bevans (2018), Dr Krish Kandiah (2019), John Newbigin and Dr Ash Barker (2021), Dr Cathy Ross (2022), Shane Claiborne (2023) and Dr Deirdre Brower Latz (2024).

Next year’s Newbigin Annual Public Lecture will take place at 7pm on Wednesday 4 June 2025 at Lodge Road Community Church, Birmingham TBC.

More details to be announced in due course, watch this space! 

Light finger food and refreshments will be provided. The event is free, but donations towards Seedbeds will be greatly appreciated.


Owen O’Brien talks about his experience on the Newbigin Pioneering Hub as part of Cohort 1 in 2022-23:

Would you join us in this new venture?

Fill in the application form to apply for 2024-25 programme.

Application Closing Date : Friday 6 September 2024.

Course fees paid by : Saturday 14 September 2024.


CMS Certificate of Pioneering programme:
£600 includes six modules or
£300 for an approved URC or Congregational Federation Participant.

Community of Pioneers community membership:
£24 annually (free for programme contributors).

For help with funding and other support please talk to your local church, synod or apply for a Discipleship Development Fund grant

Newbigin Pioneering Hub
Lodge Road Community Church
143-4 Lodge Road, Winson Green
Birmingham B18 5BU


For more information please contact:
Ash Barker at