Releasing Potential in Thoughtful, Committed Community Leaders
Releasing Potential in Thoughtful, Committed Community Leaders
We focus on releasing the unique potential of local people and places through practical, formative and accredited leadership development programmes.
Register now with NTC to enrol on the 2025-26 MA in Theology Humanitarian Development & Social Justice pathway – further details below.
We believe the most inspiring leaders grow in unexpected places. That hope for our world today rises and falls with urban leaders on the front lines of the most challenging urban situations. We work to see unique brilliance and influence released, the potential in communities, causes and ventures fulfilled and the God-given gifts of all urban people and places shared.
Seedbeds School for Urban Leadership exists to grow your capacity to take up your unique leadership opportunities and make a sustainable difference in the lives of those people and places you are called to love. Through our accredited, practical and formative leadership programmes you can access:
with the best thinking and practices in the field of urban leadership, including community formation, community enterprise and community organising.
by outstanding and experienced Christian leaders and activists.
in supportive, connected and inspiring environments.
by continuing to live and lead from your own, unique urban community.
by world class educational institutions.
by continuing to live and lead from your own, unique urban community.
by world class educational institutions.
Seedbeds Academic Partners
These include:
- Church Mission Society (Undergraduate immersion courses, validated by Durham University)
- Birmingham Christian College (Certificate IV in Sustainable Community Leadership NCFE and BA programmes validated by Newman University)
- Nazarene Theological College (MA and PhD programmes validated by University of Manchester)
- Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary (MA in Urban Ministry programmes)
- Bristol Baptist College (PhD research validated by University of Aberdeen)
Upcoming Programmes include:
Newbigin Annual Public Lecture
To stimulate Christians into more thoughtful and deeper engagement in the places they live and serve, we offer a public lecture with a high profile leader who embodies a contemporary spirit of Lesslie Newbigin. In previous years this has included: Dr Steve Bevans (2018), Dr Krish Kandiah (2019), John Newbigin and Dr Ash Barker (2021), Dr Cathy Ross (2022), Shane Claiborne (2023) and Dr Deirdre Brower Latz (2024).
Next year’s Newbigin Annual Public Lecture will be delivered by Professor Anthony G. Reddie at 6pm on Wednesday 11 June 2025 at Lodge Road Community Church, Winson Green, Birmingham B18 5BU.
With responses from Revd Dr Deirdre Brower Latz and Bishop Mike Royal.
Professor Anthony G. Reddie is Professor of Black Theology; Director of the Oxford Centre for Religion and Culture, Regent’s Park College, Oxford. Prof Reddie was born and brought up in Bradford, West Yorkshire in a family of Caribbean migrants, who were part of the Windrush Generation. His undergraduate and postgraduate studies were undertaken at the University of Birmingham, first in Church History (BA Hons, 1987) and later with a PhD in Education (with Theology), in 2000.
Prof Reddie’s scholarship in Black theology has especially been informed by his doctorate in Education and Practical theology, undertaken at the University of Birmingham with Professor John Hull. This has given him an Interdisciplinary method to the subject that Is somewhat different from the more classical, systematic approaches to Black theology used by my many peers in the United States. His consistent research interest has been the interface between Black theology and decolonial/transformative education as a means of conscientization and empowerment. He is the author of numerous books, articles, and book chapters.
His more recent books Include Theologising Brexit: A Liberationist and Postcolonial Critique (Routledge, 2010), and the republished Is God Colour-Blind? Insights from Black Theology for Christian Faith and Ministry (SPCK, 2020) and Intercultural Preaching [co-edited with Seidel Abel Boargenes and Pamela Searle], (Regent’s Park College, 2021).
Prof Reddie is an A rated, Leading International Researcher with the South African National Research Foundation (NRF). He is also a recipient of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s 2020 Lanfranc Award for ‘exceptional and sustained contribution to Black theology In Britain and beyond.’
Light finger food and refreshments will be provided. The event is free, but donations towards Seedbeds will be greatly appreciated, book your free ticket here.
Upcoming Programmes include:
MA Programmes with Nazarene Theological College (validated by University of Manchester)
We work with academic partners to help design and deliver leadership programmes. With our partners Nazarene Theological College (University of Manchester) we work to deliver selected classes for the following MA in Theology pathway:
It takes four units plus a dissertation to gain the award – and each pathway has one required ‘core’ unit with at least one other from that pathway.
The next MA units being offered by NTC with Seedbeds School for Urban Leadership, are as follows:
ST7680 Community Engagement: Building Communities of Shalom
Tutors: Alistair Rooms and Dr Ash Barker (Seedbeds School for Shalom)
Guest Speakers: Dr Sally Mann, Rev Ian Rutherford, Dr Andre Van Eymeren and Brian McLaren
When? 31 May – 7 June 2025 at Nazarene Theological College, Manchester.
We need healthy and flourishing communities like never before. Engage with the best thinking and practice in community building with leading community activists and thought leaders in a supportive and inspiring environment. See a fresh vision of what is possible and learn what it takes to see the potential of your community.
This unit can be taken for a number of MA in Theology pathways through NTC and awarded by University of Manchester. Please apply here.
“I’m so glad I took the leap of faith to enrol on the Masters in Social Justice! All four of the modules I chose were led by the Seedbeds team and I am grateful that I got to learn from experienced teachers, make friends with international classmates and get re-energised by inspiring guest lectures from across the world. The module on resilience taught me practical tools to reduce my stress level at work. The community engagement residential directly inspired me to launch a new project providing free sports to hundreds of local women. The Practices of Social Justice classes shaped my charity’s new five-year strategic plan. And the Leadership & Change readings gave me valuable advice which I’ve been applying day-to-day. The course has undoubtedly equipped me to do a better job of serving my community.” Jessica Craig, Co-Director, Bonny Downs Community Association
“I would really recommend [the Seedbeds units], they’re a fun way of learning and a really great academic background to community work and faith in action.” Louise Jones is a recent MA in Theology graduate and talks about her experience studying the Resilient Discipleship and Community Engagement units:
Sherry Owolabi, MA in Theology graduate talks about her experience studying for her Masters at Nazarene Theological College and in particular choosing Resilient Discipleship as one of her modules, “My time of study [at NTC] was extremely influential in shaping and equipping me for Christian Ministry… Resilient Discipleship… was a truly transformational course for me and I would encourage you to enrol.”

PhD Research Degrees with Bristol Baptist College (validated by University of Aberdeen)
Rev Dr Ash Barker (Seedbeds School for Urban Leadership) is able to supervise Bristol Baptist College research degrees (MTh and PhD) validated by the University of Aberdeen. Research students read on their own research topic and work closely with their two supervisors, who have expertise in their subject area, to define research and write a thesis. Students also attend an annual conference at the end of the academic year (June) and if resident in Bristol attend regular research seminars. Bristol Baptist College works closely with Trinity College, Bristol, and supervision is shared across the Joint Faculty.
Entry Requirements:
Normally, the minimum entrance requirement for admission is a degree with Second Class Honours (Upper Division) in an appropriate field, or its equivalent. It is preferable that you hold a Masters in the chosen area of study as well.
The RAC (Research Application Committee) committee meets three times a year; mid Oct, Feb, and May to consider applications from potential research students. All applications are considered in detail at our RAC.
PhD (100 000 words incl. footnotes): 3 years FT, 6 years PT
MTh (40 000 words), 1 year FT, 2 years PT
For more information see here

For more information please contact Dr Ash Barker at