Changing Seasons

by | Dec 3, 2020 | 0 comments

The trees around Barnes Close are spectacular in Autumn. Diverse colours and lights can be distracting however, because what the many deciduous trees here are actually doing is preparing for less sunlight. By shedding their leaves and digging their roots deeper into the earth they focus on finding different sources of life-giving energy. There is a letting go and a transition; a getting ready for a new season. 

In so many ways this is also true for the Community for Reconciliation (CfR). We can’t rely on previous sources of energy in the ways we once could and so we now dig deeper to prepare for what is to come.  This is especially true with our new team and identity. There are lots of new colours, changes and transitions, but what we are really trying to do is dig the roots deeper into why CfR was planted and to prepare that gift for a new generation. Because of Covid we’ve had some extended time thinking, discussing, praying and working. We felt led to simplify our focus and identity. 

We hope CfR’s new name of ‘Seedbeds’ will help renew that dream of growing people and places into God’s promised shalom. That a new focus on growing local leaders will see new peace-building responses emerge from within these communities in this new season. You can see our new website for more details here:

17th October, 2020 was a special occasion for us. We met Revs John and Joan Johansen-Berg and their daughter Heidi at Barnes Close. These inspirational United Reformed Church Minister’s founded CfR in 1986 as a small residential community here. They had a vision to better train, resource and network those seeking peace between God, people and the earth through Jesus. John said, ‘I knew right from our first visit that this was the right place to do this from’. Over the years the CfR network spread across the UK and international partnerships for peace and reconciliation were developed.

It was inspirational to hear first hand stories of those early CfR days. I especially loved the connections that our new live-in Wardens, the Chavez family, had with the Johansen-burgs. Their comparisons of sleepless nights, innovative renovations and strange visitors was hilarious! The encouragement and blessing of the Johansen-burgs for our new team, new name and the next season of life based here was especially appreciated too. They understood, like few others, the huge challenges we face to make this venture work. It was so wonderful too to have them open in person the ‘Johansen-Burg Library’ named in their honour, based in John’s old study. The joy it brought to their faces brought joy to us too. I am so grateful for all who made this day possible. We are now ready for emerging leaders to learn and engage in new ways for the decades ahead. 

How did we get here? 

CfR began with the Johansen-burgs in 1986, but by the late 2010s the CfR network grew older and smaller and some international partnerships began transitioning out of CfR. Reluctantly the Barnes Close retreat centre was put on the market and closed its doors. However, in 2019 discussions between CfR and the Newbigin School for Urban Leadership (NSUL) grew to become joining together with fresh leadership, resources and programmes that could better engage a new generation. A common vision emerged ‘to grow leaders and communities into fullness of life’ and in 2020 CfR is now relaunched as Seedbeds, with NSUL as Seedbeds Learning. We have new, dynamic and diverse team with our Trustees chaired by Bishop Mike Royal, Co-CEO-ed by Rev Dave Mann and myself, and our live-in Wardens are the Chavez family. We have a renewed focus on leadership development (Seedbeds Learning), building the capacity of local communities (Seedbeds Local), building the capacity of international partners (Seedbeds Global) as well as renewing and reopening the Barnes Close retreat and education centre (The Greenhouse at Barnes Close). Please pray for the new team and programmes. Pray too for the restoration work on Barnes Close so it can truly be a Greenhouse to incubate and grow shalom with a new generation.

Could we help you grow inspiring local leaders and unique responses to God’s dream for fullness of life in your community? Could you help us renew the dream of God’s shalom for everyone, especially those who live in urban communities? Please contact Michelle on or call 0156271078 if you can help in any way.  

Some highlights so far included:

Hosting our first MA unit on ‘Building Shalom’ with students from around the UK, Germany and Cameroon. Guest speakers included Richard Rohr and Brian McLaren on Zoom

Hosting our first Change Makers residential with emerging leaders from four local seedbeds (two from Birmingham and two from East London). 

Hosting Newbigin Community Trust ( from Winson Green for church camps, summer schemes, youth group and Forrest School. 


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