Leadership Capacity Building

Inspiring leaders grow in unexpected places. We have a vision to see urban communities become like seedbeds growing innovative, compassionate and resilient leaders. Inspiring leaders who can respond deeply to God’s unique dreams of Shalom for their own communities and beyond. Could this be you and your community?

Our Hope

We exist to release the unique potential of urban people and places through leadership development.
We want to see you:

  • Build your capacity for experiencing and curating fullness of life in all your spheres of influence.
  • See your communities, enterprises, causes and organisations flourish in healthy, life giving ways.
  • Be part a web of life-giving friendships that connects, empowers and amplifies your voice among others seeking change.

Our Programmes

Seedbeds Learning does this through offering leadership development programmes. These include:

School for Urban Leadership
Higher education programmes: Undergraduate, Postgraduate and research PhDs with academic partners

Change Makers
Emerging leaders programmes:  Young Change Makers (16-18 year olds),  Change Makers – England (18+yrs), Change Makers – Scotland (18+yrs)

Change Incubator
Empowering and equipping community leaders to start-up and grow their ideas for change in Myanmar.

Newbigin Pioneering Hub
To discover, nurture, empower and release a new Community of Pioneers, able to see God’s love and shalom flourish in their local communities

Alternative Pathways 
Alternative education: Piloting programmes that can use The Greenhouse at Barnes Close and our local Seedbeds facilities

Immersion Courses
Live-ins with Bangkok and Winson Green. 

Incubator and Coaching
Piloting and launch new programmes and organisation

Our History

Seedbeds Learning started as the Newbigin School for Urban Leadership in Winson Green in 2014. Named in honour of the former mission statesman, Lesslie Newbigin, who had been a URC Minister in Winson Green, we focused on mobilising, forming and equipping Christian leaders for our new urban world. In 2021, we launched “Seedbeds” emphasising our desire to see inspiring leaders grow in unexpected places.

    For more information please contact Ash Barker at ash.barker@seedbeds.org